What is Hyvä Theme?

Hyvä Theme is responsible for the frontend of your website. Simply put, it deals with everything related to how a user interacts with a resource. And it does the job perfectly.

Hyvä completely changes the idea of Magento 2 projects: they now work faster and better than ever before. Poor Magento performance is no longer a problem.

Benefits of Hyvä Theme

  • Best Performance. Magento 2-based online stores are running like clockwork: no delays and slowdowns anymore!
  • Reduced Time to Market. With the right approach, you can get a working online store in no time. Soon it'll be ready to accept clients and bring you profit.
  • Cost-effective Solution. You don't need to have a huge budget to install your Hyvä Theme and make it work the way you want it to.
  • Excellent Browser Experience. Your customers can enjoy shopping without any of the problems they may have experienced before.
  • Better Optimization. Google ranks Hyvä-based websites much better, making them more likely to appear at the top of search queries. The reason is simple: with Hyvä, there is no need for scripts loaded by default.
  • Minimal Third-party Dependency. Hyvä Theme is almost independent of third-party libraries and other technological solutions.

Core Hyvä Theme Principles:

  1. reduced complexity
  2. improved performance
  3. improved developer experience
  4. improved development velocity
  5. reduced dependencies
  6. reduced learning curve

All of the above leads to higher conversions. As a result, the online store's revenues expand with a rising number of loyal customers. And that's precisely what you want, isn't it?

Hyvä Theme & Its Compatibility Modules

Every coin has a flip side, and Hyvä is no exception. You see, this theme is easy to use... but only after installation, which is quite a challenge.

As you know, one of the key advantages of Magento 2 is extensions designed to help you change your online store at will. Alas, after installing Hyvä, some of them may not work as expected. And to fix this problem, you need to resort to special Compatibility Modules.

But without development experience, you won't be able to deal with these modules on your own. You won't figure out which modules to use and how to do it, to begin with.

Surely, that's by no means a reason to abandon Hyvä: once installed, the theme becomes very well-behaved and straightforward. So all you have to do is seek professional help. And we, as Hyvä partners, are happy to provide it.

Our Hyvä Theme Integration Services

Laconica is the official Hyvä supplier. As the company's partner, we know all the features of their product and have good experience with its installation. And now we're happy to help you improve the performance of your Magento online store too.

Are you ready to start? Let’s get down to business, then. Contact us right away.